This was exactly what my patient said to me. Let me elaborate more.
Got a really interesting patient recently. Have asked the patient's permission so I can write about it, won't mention the person's name of course.
My patient presented with tingling sensations, and some general numbness and pain down the left arm all the way to the 4th and 5th fingers on the palm side. In addition, there was also pain in the neck and shoulders all on the left side.
My patient who usually trains to race triathlons had gone away over the weekend to do cable skiing in Batam. There was a lot of force transmitted to the arms of course and the discomfort started soon after the session ended. My patient also has to maintain sustained postures with a fairly heavy weight as well at work so obviously there was some "problem spots" present in addition to the new pain.
After a detailed assessment, I found the cause. It was actually the patient's ulna nerve causing all the tinging sensations, numbness etc. I treated the patient's neck, and mobilized the ulna nerve as well of course and here's when I got the inspiration for this particular post. My patient said "Gino, you just got on my nerves!" The patient was much better after that and I was able to discharge my patient after 2 sessions.
Most people know about muscles and joints, in fact you often see and touch them. Often there are pictures of them in clinic walls as well. Nerves, however are often forgotten. Our nerves connect the brain and spinal cord to our muscles, joints etc and are really important. Peripheral nerve problems are far more common than most people think. All around the body, nerves slide as we move and sometimes they can be sensitive to pressure or stretch.
Actually there was an article featuring Aized in the Straits Times on nerves called 'Nerves of Steel'. Here is the article if you want to have a look at it (http://www.physiosolutions.com.sg/pdf/the_straits_times_jan_03_2008.pdf).
If you have any sensations of numbness, pins and needles, itchiness or pain and sometimes even hot/ cold sensations, then it can be your nerves acting up. Let us know if you need any help with your nerves.
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