Wednesday, February 5, 2025

No Need To Be injured To Benefit From Physiotherapy

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A New York Times article by writer Talya Minsberg published in today's Straits Time on page C3 in the Life section. I like the part where she quoted Dr Joe Uhan, a physical therapist (that's what they called physiotherapists in USA). 

"We're sort of the Swiss Army knife of orthopaedic health. We can push on bones like chiropractors can, but we can masage tissue like massage therapists can and we can exercise like a personal trainer can."

"Be wary of any clinic that feels like a "PT mill", a quote from De Charlie Homoky another physical therapist. You definitely should have the undivided attention of your physiotherapist, quality one on one time during the whole session. That is what we do in our clinics. You are NEVER left alone on a machine, nor with a rehab/ therapy aide or attendant. We may teach you 1 or 2 exercises at the end of the session for you will not NOT be doing any exercises during your time with us. We treat you mostly with our hands, treatment you cannot do yourself.

We are not just for sports injuries or post surgical care. we can help prevent injuries and improve your quality of life. Come see us in our clinics.

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