Sunday, May 17, 2009

How Would You Know If You Need Physiotherapy?

1. Do you work more than 4 hours daily at a computer?
2. Do you work at a laptop?
3. Do you constantly need to massage your neck and back while you're at work?
4. Do you exercise less than twice a week?
5. Do you get less than 6 hours of sleep every night?
6. Are you a working mother/father and have at least 1 child below 1.5 years?
7. Do you have a Blackberry?
8. Do you live with pain/numbness on a daily basis?
9. Is your pain stopping you from doing what you want?
10. Would you like to find out why you're having pain?

If you've answered YES to at least 5 of the above questions, you NEED PHYSIO SOLUTIONS.

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