Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Which pillow's the one for me?!

My patients with neck pain report to have a cupboard full of pillows. They've learnt, the hard way, that the most expensive one is not always the best. We're all built very uniquely so a pillow that works for your friend may not work for you. I have no quick fix to that, it's trial and error in the end. But there's a simple way to check if it's really your pillow that's perpetuating your neck pain.

Firstly, if you wake up with a sore neck it becomes more likely it's your pillow. Secondly, experiment by rolling a bath towel (fold into half, then roll tightly till it forms a roll about the length of your pillow) and inserting it into your pillow case. Place your neck where the towel roll is and voila! you've made your own contour pillow. 

If you wake with a neck that's less sore then it's mostly a good idea to buy a new pillow.
Ask your physiotherapist for suggestions.

(Photo by Pizzo)

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